Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 10 implied Motion

Here is a picture illustrated by, the mathematical genius, M.C. Escher. He is using a technique of implied lines by having individuals actively walking through the triangular formed composition. The triangle signifies diagonal action lines through the heart of the illustration. If you take a closer look you might notice that the triangle is never ending. Escher draws our eye through a labyrinth style maze of never-ending loops.

Here is a design projects assigned to me at Fullerton Junior college. In hopes to convey continuity, my thumb print design displays implied motion. The consistent lines draw your eye smoothly through the illustration. Starting with the dark focal spot in the upper left my eye follows the large loop in the upper right corner and quickly down to the center of the page. My eye makes a couple of loops then navigates back to the top of the page.

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