Friday, September 3, 2010

Week 2 Visual Queries

Zachary Welburn

Lets talk about short fixations. When my eye loos at this color wheel it is drawn all over the place. Many diagonal lines which sways my eye across the page. One thing that this picture might be lacking, that has a lot to do with Top-down visual processing and is quite an important attribute, is goal directed movments. There is no forseen goal in this pciture, therefore my eye is not looking ahead for maximum efficiency.  As my eye saccades throguht the page there are a couple fixation points in which my eyes pause to focus on. These points are where the miniature color wheels overlap with transparency through the larger color wheel. I find my eyes Hovering over areas of text creating scan paths. The last think that I would like to not about this illustration is constant relinking of colors that are complimentary of each other on the color wheel.

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