Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 5 Syntax of VIsual Literacy

Download and post that photo on your blog and underneath post a the first paragraph of text as follows: Write a list of one-word or short-phrased responses you have to it in terms of its literal, representational content as well as its underlying compositional structure and include a list of any symbols (language or other symbols) that can be seen in the image. After this analysis, write a paragraph that completely reports (verbally) what the photograph reports (visually) and which could be used as a REPLACEMENT for it (as if you were describing it to someone who was visually impaired).

Sad, concerned, down, line, unemployed, heads down, frown, depressed, frustration, rain, umbrella, time, depth, long.

Some of the symbols that I notice are as follows:

1) Suit case- This was the first things I noticed in the picture. It represents moving. She is walking with her head slightly down,  almost depressed. Maybe she is walking to the end of the line to join the rest of this group.

2)Umbrellas- It is implying that it is a rainy day, at least a cold one at that. Just the fact that everyone is bundled in clothes and holding umbrellas implies that the weather is not ideal for standing around. Leaving me to believe that they HAVE to be there.

3) Left-over's- What looks to be left-overs that this man is holding, he stands with this deep and discouraged look on his face. His left-over food is representational of saving money or a lack there of.

Starting from the right, we are looking at around 40-50 standing in line, butting up against the backside of some large financial building in, what looks to be, a large city. There are very few facial expressions, but from what is visible, the overall mood is distraught. In the left third of the page, a Caucasian man looking at the ground with an obvious frown. Many of the individuals are wearing coats and holding umbrellas. The people in line are structurally forming an implied diagonal line that has them vanishing away in linear perspective with the rest of the towering financial building to the left and right ow them. To the right of the photograph, A lady, with one hand in her pocket, walks down the sidewalk with her head looking down towards the ground. As if she is joining the end of the line on this cold, windy Chicago style, day.

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